Disclaimer – Lion-China Merchants Emerging Asia Select Index ETF
This advertisement or publication has not been reviewed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore. It is for information only, and is not a recommendation, offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale of any capital markets products or investments and does not have regard to your specific investment objectives, financial situation, tax position or needs. You should read the prospectus and Product Highlights Sheet of the Lion-China Merchants Emerging Asia Select Index ETF (“ETF”), which is available and may be obtained from Lion Global Investors Limited (“LGI”) or any of the its distributors and appointed Participating Dealers (“PDs”), for further details including the risk factors and consider if the ETF is suitable for you and seek such advice from a financial adviser if necessary, before deciding whether to purchase units in the ETF.
Investments in the ETF are not obligations of, deposits in, guaranteed or insured by LGI or any of its affiliates and are subject to investment risks including the possible loss of the principal amount invested. The performance of the ETF is not guaranteed and, the value of its units and the income accruing to the units, if any, may rise or fall. Past performance, payout yields and payments, as well as, any prediction, projection, or forecast are not necessarily indicative of the future or likely performance, payout yields and payments of the ETF. Any extraordinary performance may be due to exceptional circumstances which may not be sustainable. Dividend distributions, which may be either out of income and/or capital, are not guaranteed and subject to LGI’s discretion. Any such dividend distributions will reduce the available capital for reinvestment and may result in an immediate decrease in the net asset value of the ETF. Any references to specific securities are for illustration purposes and are not to be considered as recommendations to buy or sell the securities. It should not be assumed that investment in such specific securities will be profitable. There can be no assurance that any of the allocations or holdings presented will remain in the ETF at the time this information is presented. Any information (which includes opinions, estimates, graphs, charts, formulae or devices) is subject to change or correction at any time without notice and is not to be relied on as advice. You are advised to conduct your own independent assessment and investigation of the relevance, accuracy, adequacy and reliability of any information or contained herein and seek professional advice on them. No warranty is given and no liability is accepted for any loss arising directly or indirectly as a result of you acting on such information. The ETF may, where permitted by the prospectus, invest in financial derivative instruments for hedging purposes or for efficient portfolio management. The ETF’s net asset value may have higher volatility as a result of its narrower investment focus on Emerging Asia countries, when compared to funds investing in developed markets. LGI, its related companies, their directors and/or employees may hold units of the ETF and be engaged in purchasing or selling units of the ETF for themselves or their clients.
The units of the ETF are listed and traded on the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (“SGX-ST”), and may be traded at prices different from its net asset value, suspended from trading, or delisted. Such listing does not guarantee a liquid market for the units. You cannot purchase or redeem units in the ETF directly with the manager of the ETF, but you may, subject to specific conditions, do so on the SGX-ST or through the PDs.
© Lion Global Investors Limited (UEN/ Registration No. 198601745D). All rights reserved. LGI is a Singapore incorporated company and is not related to any corporation or trading entity that is domiciled in Europe or the United States (other than entities owned by its holding companies).
Disclaimer – Lion-OCBC Securities APAC Financials Dividend Plus ETF
This advertisement or publication has not been reviewed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore. It is for information only, and is not a recommendation, offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale of any capital markets products or investments and does not have regard to your specific investment objectives, financial situation, tax position or needs.
You should read the prospectus and Product Highlights Sheet of the Lion-OCBC Securities APAC Financials Dividend Plus ETF (“ETF”), which is available and may be obtained from Lion Global Investors Limited (“LGI”) or any of the its distributors and appointed Participating Dealers (“PDs”), for further details including the risk factors and consider if the ETF is suitable for you and seek such advice from a financial adviser if necessary, before deciding whether to purchase units in the ETF.
Investments in the ETF are not obligations of, deposits in, guaranteed or insured by LGI or any of its affiliates and are subject to investment risks including the possible loss of the principal amount invested. The performance of the ETF is not guaranteed and, the value of its units and the income accruing to the units, if any, may rise or fall. Past performance, payout yields and payments, as well as, any prediction, projection, or forecast are not necessarily indicative of the future or likely performance, payout yields and payments of the ETF. Any extraordinary performance may be due to exceptional circumstances which may not be sustainable. Dividend distributions, which may be either out of income and/or capital, are not guaranteed and subject to LGI’s discretion. Any such dividend distributions will reduce the available capital for reinvestment and may result in an immediate decrease in the net asset value of the ETF. Any references to specific securities are for illustration purposes and are not to be considered as recommendations to buy or sell the securities. It should not be assumed that investment in such specific securities will be profitable. There can be no assurance that any of the allocations or holdings presented will remain in the ETF at the time this information is presented. Any information (which includes opinions, estimates, graphs, charts, formulae or devices) is subject to change or correction at any time without notice and is not to be relied on as advice. You are advised to conduct your own independent assessment and investigation of the relevance, accuracy, adequacy and reliability of any information or contained herein and seek professional advice on them. No warranty is given and no liability is accepted for any loss arising directly or indirectly as a result of you acting on such information. The ETF may, where permitted by the prospectus, invest in financial derivative instruments for hedging purposes or for efficient portfolio management. The ETF’s net asset value may have higher volatility as a result of its narrower investment focus on a limited geographical market, when compared to funds investing in global markets. LGI, its related companies, their directors and/or employees may hold units of the ETF and be engaged in purchasing or selling units of the ETF for themselves or their clients.
The units of the ETF are listed and traded on the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (“SGX-ST”), and may be traded at prices different from its net asset value, suspended from trading, or delisted. Such listing does not guarantee a liquid market for the units. You cannot purchase or redeem units in the ETF directly with the manager of the ETF, but you may, subject to specific conditions, do so on the SGX-ST or through the PDs.
© Lion Global Investors Limited (UEN/ Registration No. 198601745D). All rights reserved. LGI is a Singapore incorporated company and is not related to any corporation or trading entity that is domiciled in Europe or the United States (other than entities owned by its holding companies).
Disclaimer – Lion-Nomura Japan Active ETF (Powered by AI)
This advertisement or publication has not been reviewed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore. It is for information only, and is not a recommendation, offer or solicitation to deal in any capital markets products or investments and does not have regard to your specific investment objectives, financial situation, tax position or particular needs.
You should read the Prospectus and Product Highlights Sheet for the Lion-Nomura Japan Active ETF (Powered by AI) (“ETF”) which are available and may be obtained from Lion Global Investors Limited (“LGI”) or any of the appointed Participating Dealers (“PDs”), for further details including the risk factors and consider if the ETF is suitable for you and seek such advice from a financial adviser if necessary, before deciding whether to purchase units in the ETF. Investments in the ETF are not obligations of, deposits in, guaranteed or insured by LGI or any of its affiliates and are subject to investment risks including the possible loss of the principal amount invested. The ETF is an actively managed exchange traded fund. Please refer to the Prospectus for further details, including a discussion of certain factors to be considered in connection with an investment in an actively managed exchange traded fund.
The performance of the ETF, the value of its units and any accruing income are not guaranteed and may rise or fall. Past performance, payout yields and payments and any predictions, projections, or forecasts are not indicative of the future or likely performance, payout yields and payments of the ETF. Any extraordinary performance may be due to exceptional circumstances which may not be sustainable. Any dividend distributions, which may be either out of income and/or capital, are not guaranteed and subject to the manager of the ETF’s discretion. Any such dividend distributions will reduce the available capital for reinvestment and may result in an immediate decrease in the net asset value of the ETF. Any references to specific companies or securities are for illustration purposes and are not to be considered as recommendations to buy, sell or otherwise invest in such securities or the products or services of such companies. It should not be assumed that investment in such specific securities will be profitable. There can be no assurance that any of the allocations or holdings presented will remain in the ETF at the time this information is presented.
You should independently assess and conduct your own investigation of the relevance, accuracy, adequacy and reliability of any information, opinion or estimates, graphs, charts, formulae or devices provided and seek professional advice on them. Any information, opinions, estimates, graphs, charts, formulae or devices provided are subject to change or correction without notice and are not to be relied on as advice. The information and opinions contained in this advertisement or publication have been derived from or reached from proprietary or non-proprietary sources believed in good faith to be reliable but have not been independently verified. LGI makes no guarantee, representation or warranty, express or implied, and accepts no responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of this advertisement or publication. No warranty is given and no liability is accepted for any loss arising directly or indirectly as a result of you acting on such information.
Where pro-forma portfolio diagrams and/or charts and constituent weightage are displayed in this advertisement or publication (if any), such pro-forma diagrams and/or charts and constituent weightage are illustrative only and do not represent the actual holdings of the ETF at any point in time and are subject to changes at LGI’s discretion. You should refer to the portfolio holdings to be displayed on LGI’s website every month for more information on the actual holdings of the ETF (as at the date specified) in the previous month or should approach LGI for more information on the ETF. The sectoral representation in the pro-forma portfolio diagrams and/or charts (if any) also do not reflect the actual or future performance of the ETF.
The ETF may, where permitted by the Prospectus, invest in financial derivative instruments for hedging or for the purposes of efficient portfolio management. The ETF’s net asset value may have higher volatility as a result of its narrower investment focus on a limited geographical market, when compared to funds investing in global or wider regional markets. LGI, its related companies, their directors and/or employees may hold units of the ETF and be engaged in purchasing or selling units of the ETF for themselves or their clients.
The units of the ETF are listed and traded on the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (“SGX-ST”), and may be traded at prices different from its net asset value, suspended from trading, or delisted. Such listing does not guarantee a liquid market for the units. You cannot purchase or redeem units in the ETF directly with the manager of the ETF, but you may, subject to specific conditions, do so on the SGX-ST or through the PDs.
© Lion Global Investors® Limited (UEN/ Registration No. 198601745D). All rights reserved. LGI is a Singapore incorporated company and is not related to any corporation or trading entity that is domiciled in Europe or the United States (other than entities owned by its holding companies)