Saxo and Lion Global Investors launch LionGlobal Dynamic Growth: Asian Perspective, a managed portfolio built with an Asian lens
- The portfolio is designed for investors who want their investments to be globally diversified, tapping into various growth opportunities across the different asset classes
- Leveraging Lion Global’s expertise in Asian markets, this portfolio looks to have a greater exposure to growth and return opportunities from Asian and Emerging Markets (EM) investments compared to normal global portfolios.
- Designed to have a bigger allocation to EM and Asia as compared to a traditional global portfolio which has large weightings to US and European equities and fixed income
- Available now on the Saxo platform as a SaxoSelect managed portfolio, investors can maintain it as a Regular Savings Plan with an investment of SGD2,000 followed by a regular contribution of SGD100 or start with a lump sum of USD10,000
SINGAPORE, 25 February 2021 – Saxo Markets, the online trading and investment specialist that connects people to investment opportunities in global capital markets, and Lion Global Investors (LGI), one of Asia’s leading asset management companies, today announced the launch of LionGlobal Dynamic Growth: Asian Perspective portfolio. This globally diversified portfolio was built using an Asian lens and identifies assets with higher returns and growth opportunities, using low-cost ETFs and best-in-class actively managed funds.
Curated in Singapore by Lion Global Investors, the portfolio is available in SGD and USD denominations. It is Saxo’s first managed portfolio that is tailored for people looking to invest in a global diversified multi-asset portfolio built with an Asian lens. With this partnership, Saxo adds Lion Global Investors to the list of industry-leading names such as BlackRock, Nasdaq Dorsey Wright, Morningstar and Brown Advisory in providing managed portfolios under its SaxoSelect offering.
To offer investors more flexibility, LionGlobal Dynamic Growth: Asian Perspective is available as a SaxoSelect managed portfolio requiring a lump sum of USD10,000. For those who prefer to invest in it as a Regular Savings Plan, they can also start with an initial investment of SGD2,000 and make a minimum contribution of SGD100 subsequently. Investing in this portfolio under SaxoSelect also means investors enjoy a low cost of service fees at just 0.25% per year, equivalent to only S$/US$25 for a S$/US$10,000 investment.
“We are thrilled to launch the LionGlobal Dynamic Growth: Asian Perspective portfolio together with Lion Global Investors, a trusted partner of Saxo. We have seen more people taking control of their investments, and many are either entering the markets for the first time or reviewing their portfolios and allocation strategies for more diversification and yield. The new portfolio is a great choice for investors with a high-risk tolerance looking for capital growth. Saxo’s technology facilitates investing into multiple fund providers and combined with Lion Global Investors’ expertise in asset management, we are excited to be offering investors a well-curated product to diversify their portfolios. The low service fee of 0.25% is also attractive, we believe, combined with a ‘no lock-in period’, distinguishing this portfolio from others in the market,” Adam Reynolds, Asia Pacific CEO, Saxo Markets, said.
Built as a globally diversified portfolio with an Asian lens, LionGlobal Dynamic Growth: Asian Perspective lets investors access best-in-class funds while building in robust risk monitoring and rebalancing, and is positioned to maximise risk-adjusted returns so that risks taken are commensurate with potential returns.
“At Lion Global Investors, we believe that quality investment advice and solutions need not be complex, expensive or inaccessible to retail investors. We are, therefore, excited about this partnership between our Curated Portfolios team and Saxo Markets. Together, we’ve worked hard to curate a premium private-banking-type investment solution that is simple to understand and easy to access. Let our investment professionals do the asset allocation, fund selection, portfolio monitoring and quarterly rebalancing for you,” said Gerard Lee, CEO, Lion Global Investors.
From internal and external research, people are looking for ease of use, ease of account opening, low fees and mobile access when it comes to online investment. Saxo’s range of managed portfolios offers an easy, cost-effective way to have world-class asset managers handle investments, tailored to different risk profiles, some covering themes like Brown's ESG. The Saxo platform is also built to make it simple for investors to review and control their investments for a smooth experience.
Please visit the links below for more information on investing into the LionGlobal Dynamic Growth: Asian Perspective portfolio:
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