LionGlobal All Seasons Fund
Diversified, simple and low-cost.
LionGlobal All Seasons Fund
Capture Opportunities through a Globally Diversified Fund
All Season Fund Video Cover
3 simple yet essential features
2 investment styles with 2 asset classes and 8 investment approaches
Available in Standard or Growth options to cater to different risk profiles
Cost-efficient portfolio with total expense ratio (TER) capped at 0.5% p.a.
We believe in sensible diversification done at three levels.
Investment Style
We diversify across active funds and passive ETFs for cost-efficient access.
Asset Classes
We diversify across equities and bonds to help us stay invested across all seasons.
Underlying Strategies
We employ a range of underlying components which provide global diversification.
We built the LionGlobal All Seasons Fund to cover 2 different risk appetites in a simple way.
LionGlobal All Seasons Fund (Standard)
Standard Chart

The Fund targets a below average level of portfolio risk and will be invested in a mix of asset classes for an investor
with a below average tolerance for risk.

LionGlobal All Seasons Fund (Growth)
Growth Chart

The Fund targets an above average level of portfolio risk and will be invested in a mix of asset classes for an investor
with an above average tolerance for risk.

Low Cost
When every dollar of cost is an investment dollar lost, a sensible investor should keep watch on the ongoing cost of owning a unit trust.
Fully-Rebated Fees
The underlying LGI-managed funds management fees are fully-rebated into the LionGlobal All Seasons Fund.
0.25% p.a. Management Fee
The fees charged by LionGlobal All Seasons Fund include a low management fee of 0.25% p.a.
0.5% p.a. Total Expense Ratio
*TER (Total Expense Ratio) is the sum of various identified operating expenses charged on an ongoing basis to the fund’s assets as a percentage of the fund’s average net asset value calculated over a 12-month period at the close of the annual and semi-annual financial statements of the fund.
Frequently Asked Questions

The Fund is a globally-diversified balanced fund that is accessible to all investors. The Fund offers a clear cost advantage whereby the cost of investing* is capped at 0.50% per annum (p.a.). The Fund is designed for SGD-based investors and utilizes both passive and active strategies to better weather business cycles. The Fund is also tailored for different risk profiles: there are two portfolios – Standard portfolio for lower risk appetite and Growth portfolio for higher risk appetite.

*Cost of investing refers to TER (Total Expense Ratio). The total expense ratio (TER) is the sum of various identified operating expenses charged on an ongoing basis to the fund’s assets as a percentage of the fund’s average net asset value calculated over a 12-month period at the close of the annual and semi-annual financial statements of the fund.

The Fund aims to generate capital appreciation over the long term by investing primarily in a diversified portfolio of active funds and Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), across different geographical regions and asset classes. There are two portfolios for the Fund – Standard and Growth.
The Standard portfolio targets a below average level of portfolio risk and will be invested in a mix of asset classes that aims to suit an investor with a below average tolerance for risk.
The Growth portfolio targets an above average level of portfolio risk and will be invested in a mix of asset classes that aims to suit an investor with an above average tolerance for risk.

These are two portfolios created to cater to different risk appetites. For LionGlobal All Seasons Growth Fund, there will be a higher exposure to equities – 70% allocation to equities and 30% to bonds. For LionGlobal All Seasons Standard Fund, it will be the opposite, – 70% allocation to bonds and 30% to equities. Both portfolios have customized reference benchmarks to reflect the different risk profiles.

We are able to achieve cost advantage by keeping our management fee low and avoiding charging two layers of management fees. We are also able to persuade our service providers to partake in our low-cost exercise.

For any interest in purchase or sales of units of the Fund, please contact our participating partners.

View LionGlobal All Seasons Fund (Growth) Performance
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Participating Dealers
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