Launched on 27 July 2020, the Hang Seng TECH Index tracks the 30 largest TECH-themed companies listed in Hong Kong. These companies have high business exposure to selected tech themes including Cloud, Digital, E-Commerce, FinTech, Internet and Autonomous. The index is reviewed quarterly and has an IPO fast entry rule which allows for the direct inclusion of a newly listed company if it meets certain criteria. The weighting of each stock in the Index is capped at 8%. This flagship Index addresses the growing demand from investors for high quality TECH-themed companies and reflects the rising importance of the tech sector in the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.
The investment objective of the Fund is to replicate as closely as possible, before expenses, the performance of the Hang Seng TECH Index using a direct investment policy of investing in all, or substantially all, of the underlying Index Securities.
The Index is compiled and calculated by Hang Seng Indexes Company Limited and is designed to represent the 30 largest technology companies listed in Hong Kong which have high business exposure to technology themes.

*Refers to the underlying Index Securities of the Hang Seng TECH Index

The above chart is based on historical NAVs of the Fund. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future performance.
Source: Lion Global Investors
As of | 31 January 2025 |
Fund Listing Date | 10 December 2020 |
Tracking Difference | Rolling 1 Year Annualised: -0.90% |
Tracking Error | Rolling 1 Year Annualised: 0.04% |
Index | Hang Seng TECH Index |
Index Provider | Hang Seng Indexes Company Limited |
Issue Price | HK$7.75 |
Base Currency | HKD |
Trading Currency | SGD, USD |
SGX Code | HST (SGD), HSS (USD) |
Bloomberg Ticker | HST SP (SGD), HSS SP (USD) |
ISIN | SGXC56627679 |
Trading Board Lot Size | 1 unit |
Management Fee |
Currently 0.45% p.a of the Net Asset Value of the Fund. Maximum 0.45% p.a of the Net Asset Value of the Fund. The Manager's fee is retained by the Manager as the Manager does not pay any trailer fees with respect to the Fund. |
Expense Ratio | 0.57% for FYE 31 December 2023 |
Dividend Distribution | We may but currently do not intend to make distributions for the Fund |
Designated Market Maker | Flow Traders Asia Pte Ltd, Phillip Securities Pte Ltd |
Disclaimer – Lion Global Investors Limited
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Disclaimer - Hang Seng Indexes Company Limited and Hang Seng Data Services Limited
The Hang Seng TECH Index (the “Index”) is published and compiled by Hang Seng Indexes Company Limited pursuant to a licence from Hang Seng Data Services Limited. The mark and name “Hang Seng TECH Index” are proprietary to Hang Seng Data Services Limited. Hang Seng Indexes Company Limited and Hang Seng Data Services Limited have agreed to the use of, and reference to, the Index by LION GLOBAL INVESTORS LIMITED in connection with Lion-OCBC Securities Hang Seng TECH ETF (the “Product”), BUT NEITHER HANG SENG INDEXES COMPANY LIMITED NOR HANG SENG DATA SERVICES LIMITED WARRANTS OR REPRESENTS OR GUARANTEES TO ANY BROKER OR HOLDER OF THE PRODUCT OR ANY OTHER PERSON (i) THE ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS OF THE INDEX AND ITS COMPUTATION OR ANY INFORMATION RELATED THERETO; OR (ii) THE FITNESS OR SUITABILITY FOR ANY PURPOSE OF THE INDEX OR ANY COMPONENT OR DATA COMPRISED IN IT; OR (iii) THE RESULTS WHICH MAY BE OBTAINED BY ANY PERSON FROM THE USE OF THE INDEX OR ANY COMPONENT OR DATA COMPRISED IN IT FOR ANY PURPOSE, AND NO WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION OR GUARANTEE OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER RELATING TO THE INDEX IS GIVEN OR MAY BE IMPLIED. The process and basis of computation and compilation of the Index and any of the related formula or formulae, constituent stocks and factors may at any time be changed or altered by Hang Seng Indexes Company Limited without notice. TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, NO RESPONSIBILITY OR LIABILITY IS ACCEPTED BY HANG SENG INDEXES COMPANY LIMITED OR HANG SENG DATA SERVICES LIMITED (i) IN RESPECT OF THE USE OF AND/OR REFERENCE TO THE INDEX BY LION GLOBAL INVESTORS LIMITED IN CONNECTION WITH THE PRODUCT; OR (ii) FOR ANY INACCURACIES, OMISSIONS, MISTAKES OR ERRORS OF HANG SENG INDEXES COMPANY LIMITED IN THE COMPUTATION OF THE INDEX; OR (iii) FOR ANY INACCURACIES, OMISSIONS, MISTAKES, ERRORS OR INCOMPLETENESS OF ANY INFORMATION USED IN CONNECTION WITH THE COMPUTATION OF THE INDEX WHICH IS SUPPLIED BY ANY OTHER PERSON; OR (iv) FOR ANY ECONOMIC OR OTHER LOSS WHICH MAY BE DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY SUSTAINED BY ANY BROKER OR HOLDER OF THE PRODUCT OR ANY OTHER PERSON DEALING WITH THE PRODUCT AS A RESULT OF ANY OF THE AFORESAID, AND NO CLAIMS, ACTIONS OR LEGAL PROCEEDINGS MAY BE BROUGHT AGAINST HANG SENG INDEXES COMPANY LIMITED AND/OR HANG SENG DATA SERVICES LIMITED in connection with the Product in any manner whatsoever by any broker, holder or other person dealing with the Product. Any broker, holder or other person dealing with the Product does so therefore in full knowledge of this disclaimer and can place no reliance whatsoever on Hang Seng Indexes Company Limited and Hang Seng Data Services Limited. For the avoidance of doubt, this disclaimer does not create any contractual or quasi-contractual relationship between any broker, holder or other person and Hang Seng Indexes Company Limited and/or Hang Seng Data Services Limited and must not be construed to have created such relationship.